Grace Memorial Missionary Baptist Church was organized, "The Forth Sunday of September, 1975" under the leadership of the late Pastor B. M. McKenzie. Our service was held at "The Teamer School of Religion Cosmopolitan Church".
In the beginning our church was named, "The New Bethany Baptist Church" in October 1975. The pastor and members met and changed the name to Grace Memorial Missionary Baptist Church at that time we had 75 memebers and no money. However, through prayer, pledges, hard work, and many sacrifices in eighteen months, the Lord blessed us with the Temple Baptist Church. This church was located at 8412 Nations Ford Rd.
On the first Sunday in August 1979, the Rev. Felix Bailey Jr. assumed the duties of pastoring our church. Since that time the membership has more than doubled both spirtually and financially. On December 16, 1981, the pastor and members met to discuss the relocation of the Grace Memorial Baptist Church to present location.
The Pastor and Trustees immediately began to negotiate with, The Berean Baptist Church for their property. This property consisted of two and one half acres of land. The Church building has seven classrooms, a 300 capacity sanctuary, and a nursery.
We moved by motorcade on Sunday, May 9, 1982. Pastor Felix Bailey Jr. was Pastor from 1979 to 1986. Pastor John Davis was our Pastor from 1987 to 1996.
Pastor Lawrance D. Mayes Sr. became the Pastor of Grace Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. in 1997. When he came to Grace we had a membership of 65 active members, we have made awesome progress. He now ministers over 250 active members. We have begun several ministries at our church such as the Couple's Ministry, IMPACT Ministry, Sumer Camp, After School Program, Weekly Bible Study, Youth Choir, Men's Choir, Praise Dancing Ministry, Neighborhood Farmers Market, and many others. We have a nursery facillty for Sunday morning service and tremendous growth in our youth department. The church has also purchased two vans and a total of approximately fourteen acres of land with two houses since Pastor Mayes became Pastor.